Time to connect!

I wanted to learn more about the European institutions and be aware of what is proposed in the EP.

I became a together.eu volunteer because I wanted to learn more about the European institutions and to be abreast of what was going on in the European Parliament. I felt that I didn’t know enough about how the European Parliament works and I didn’t know what MEPs did exactly. 

Through unidos I have participated in several events, met people from all over Europe and even visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg. I had the opportunity to talk about and debate important topics with MEPs from several countries, including Portugal, activists for a number of causes and other young Europeans like me.

Through unidos I have also travelled to the European Parliament, seen first hand how it works and sat in the seat of MEP Pedro Marques. I have also had the pleasure to discuss the future of Europe and the role of young people with Jaume Duch, the European Parliament’s Director General for Communication. 

I would encourage everyone to sign up to unidos!

Dinis, Portugal